Recycled Parts in the Van Conversion

We did buy a lot of things brand new like the stove, sink and fridge, but I wanted to write a blog about the parts that we managed to recycle.

The flooring was taken up from an old caravan conversion we did a few years back. We managed to reuse the underlay for the van flooring and also for the sliding door curtain padding. We knew the side window will be where we lose the most of the heat so wanted to make sure that we insulate it as best as possible.

The silver bubble foam stuff was also ripped out of an old project and used to insulate the bulkhead and the little bit about the cab. Then lined with carpet.

We reused an old piece of memory foam for the seating in the living area and also cut out some head rests for the cab. The material used to cover these were also taken from an old pile of fabric we had laying around.

We also used the old wood from the van itself. Finally, the last thing that we reused were the bed slats from an old bed. These were then just cut down to the right size.

It is important to us to reuse items but for the build we wanted to achieve it couldn’t all be done with recycled materials.

When we finally get to leave on our Europe road trip, I want to add up the total milage and work out the co2 emissions and plant native trees in Britain to offset our carbon footprint.

Additionally, I would like to work out the mileage that all the brand new stuff has come from and offset that too. But I feel this will be more difficult! I might just have to work it out from the shop to the house, instead of from the source to the house, which is probably impossible.

To read our van conversion blog, click here.

To read our favourite parts of the van blog, click here.